Membership Meeting
Will be held on February 8th at 10:00 AM
The February meeting will be the beginning of our committee operations, We plan on a short membership meeting followed by the committee members
getting together to form their respective group and figure out what all the details are and how to manage them.
There should be a note keeper in each group to record the highlights of your meetings so the rest of us are kept in the loop.
Beginning this year, we will begin implementing a group of Committees responsible for planning, preparing and staffing our annual events each year.
We will be constructing process sheets to keep everybody up to speed as to what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by to assure, we have reservations and commitments from vendors and from locations as well as insurance coverage, music, equipment and personnel to cover all tasks required.
Committees will divide the work between committee members or engage other members to assist in getting the work done in time.
We have 80 dues paying members and yet we have about 10 or 12 members doing 98% of all the work.
Step up and do your part to help us make YOUR CLUB successful and hopefully grow the organization. None of these committee assignments will be real time consuming or hard physical labor at the most a couple of hours a month and your assistance might stop someone from burning out and leaving the club.
Committee meetings can be held the same day as the membership meetings and should take about an hour to get everything in line. Most have never served on a committee before so it will be a learning experience as we launch into the process.
We had a fantastic Holiday party yesterday with 45 people attending.
We ate like kings and queens and had enough food to feed another whole club
I would like to take a moment to thank everybody for preparing all the delicious
food that was prepared and provided by the club members.
A big shout out to the Marine Corps League for the use of their
private bar and lounge for our party.
Everybody that attended the CCCC Fall Color Cruise
October Fall color cruise
2024 Fall Color Cruise on October 19th
And a great time was had by all!!
Thanks to all of you who were able to attend the biggest and best fall color cruise we ever had. Almost 30 cars showed and everybody finished without incident. The weather was super nice, sunny day with a nice breeze, car and trucks were all beautiful and everybody was smiling, laughing and having a really great day. thanks for your time We had a blast.
September 5th 2024 Janesville Gazette about the Classic Cruzers