Membership Meeting
Will be held on March 8th at 10:00 AM
Yesterday at our regular monthly meeting we had great representatives
from the Pistons and Props Show present a request for Classic Cruzers to
manage their car show at the 2024 Pistons and Props event.
After the presentation we discussed the proposition in depth and then
we held a silent ballot vote, and the resolution did NOT pass.
One major sticking point was we were not going to be able
to donate any of the proceeds to our Veterans Benefit goal
(normally a few thousand dollars)
The airshow group was retaining all proceeds to offset their operating expenses. We also could not run our own 50/50 raffle (100% donated to H4OV) as there were already 2 running over the weekend.
We were offered to "put out a jar" for donations.
One of our founding ideals is to support Homeless Veterans in our area.
This arrangement, although a great opportunity to grow and expand our
public presence and reputation as a community focused club
did not present us any means to further our goals as a club.
Pistons and Props are thinking they will do the show themselves and could
use 6 to 8 volunteers with some car show experience to assist in gates and parking.
If you are interested, you can contact them through their website.
Yesterday was the first meetings of our new committees formed to help manage our events and assure everyone has an opportunity to be involved in decisions regarding operations of our club and its functions. Everything went very well and in floating through all the groups I was pleased to see
everyone was right down to the work at hand.
Hopefully we will see the fruits of our labor with better events and great new ideas to lead the club into a successful and rewarding future.
I would like to personally thank every single one of you that stepped up and took on this challenge and hopefully you can stand with pride in the future knowing you helped carry the loads required to make this club something really special
Special thanks to Shannon Dewey
for all the organizing efforts to launch this initiative.
We have 80 dues paying members and yet we have about 10 or 12 members doing 98% of all the work.
Step up and do your part to help us make YOUR CLUB successful and hopefully grow the organization. None of these committee assignments will be real time consuming or hard physical labor at the most a couple of hours a month and your assistance might stop someone from burning out and leaving the club.
Committee meetings can be held the same day as the membership meetings and should take about an hour to get everything in line. Most have never served on a committee before so it will be a learning experience as we launch into the process.
September 5th 2024 Janesville Gazette about the Classic Cruzers